Phases of the moon. In Black Magic the most important phases of the Moon are the New (dark) Moon, when it sheds little to no light and the Full Moon. The Full Moon is important in most enchanting rituals, it is also important to most power rituals. The New Moon is very important to spirit summoning and all aspects of necromancy. It is also the best time for Banishing and Destruction rituals of all kinds. Such work is best done in the deepest of darks.
Times. Early Morning is the Best time to do renewal rituals, as well as any that involve something new. The new day is the best time to usher in things. Midday has little importance for Dark Magic. It is a good time for rituals involving middle of the road topics, like getting good grades on a mid term or getting an answer about a faultering relationship. Twilight is an important time for Dark Magic. It is the in between time, and is the time for preparing yourself. you are; in essence, stepping from Normal reality to Magic reality. Obviously the most important time for Dark Magic is the deep dark from 12AM to 4AM. Midnight is the best time for all spirit based magic. The Coldest and Darkest period between 2 and 4 is best for Destruction rituals. Midnight to one is the best time for all Power and Wealth based rituals.
The Holidays.
Most important to us is Halloween or Samhain (pronounced Sow-en). It is the period when the veil between the spirit world and ours is thinnest. Save your most important ritual for this day. The best time to do your ritual is Midnight between the 30th and 31st. Any rituals are ok for Samhain, but anything far-reaching and very important to you is best.
The winter Solstice or yule on Dec 21st is also very important. It is the longest period of dark of the year. It is a good time for doing rituals for others. Dark Magic is often very selfish in nature, but since doing things for others feels good theres no reason not to.
Imbolc or Candlemass (aka groundhogs day) on Feb 1st is a time for celebrating winter being half over. It is also a very good time for rituals involving cold. For some reason seeking rituals work well this time of year.
The Spring Equinox on Mar 21st, or ostra is the celebration of winters end. It is a good time for rituals for new beginnings.
Beltane on May 1st (mayday) is the Proper Spring festival. It is the best time for rituals involving sex, seeking love or ensnaring hearts. Also very good time for any fertility rituals you might want to do. It is also another period of closeness for the spirit world, summoning a guardian is best done this time of year.
The Summer Solstice. Not a potent time for The Dark Magic practitioner. Best for Green and White Magic. However it is a good time for any rituals involving protection or growth.
Lammas on Aug 2. Another Holiday that is not potent for our work. It is a good time to enchant items for future rituals.
Mabon, the Fall Equinox on Spt 21st is a time for reaping what you've sown through the year. Its the Harvest Festival. you will want to do a ritual to gather the potent energies that are bountiful this time of year. Putting the energy into something for your Halloween Ritual is a must.
My name is Ryan and I've been an eclectic Pagan since grade school. I started with Mythology, and over time have created my own outlook on the world, and Magic.
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