Happy Halloween to Everyone!
Last night (after a VERY long day writing my "One Time Offers" in readiness for my "Internet Marketing Success Academy" launch) I decided to put my feet up with a nice-big glass of red wine in front of the TV.
Now don't get the wrong idea here - I'm not usually prone to watching much TV. Fact is I think so much TV these days is just not good for you. Especially the news, which seems to be nothing more than opportunity to watch the most depressing show in town. Seriously, in my opinion the "news" should could with a government health warning!
Anyway - here I was, TV remote in one hand and a glass of red in the other sat in "dad's chair in front of the 54″ TV and Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares come on. Rather apt given that it's Halloween.
The show is based on Gordon going in to "failing" restaurants and basically turning them around. Last night he was in a "Fish Restaurant" in Brighton UK. Without going in to too much detail here, lets just say this place was a disaster and was literally costing the owner his home. Their takings were sometimes as low as 3.38 ($6.76) for a FULL days work...The place was losing 1,000 ($2,000) every single week.
The over-whelming thing that came through (once again) as Gordon tried to help the owner was that the owner didn't want to take Gordon's advice...
Strange when you consider that Gordon is widely recognised as one of the best chefs in the world and has been INVITED in to give his advice!
One of the first things Gordon did (after he'd seen what they were serving) was to go out in to Brighton and ASK what people actually thought about the restaurant.
- Why didn't they like it?
- What would make them come and use it?
Armed with the "Prospects" answers he took his advice and laid out a plan for the owner to follow. Strangely enough, the biggest resistance to change the owner had, was to change the decor inside.
He actually loved the way he had "done his place out". I mean "what the 'f' does 'effin' Gordon Ramsey know..."
Well actually he knew that the prospects & customers "hated" the decor of the place. By the way it wasn't to my taste either BUT it wasn't that bad. However...
The point is WITHOUT asking the prospects he would have never have known that the dcor was putting people off. As were the prices...As was the menu....
This is exactly what we marketers mean when we say things like, "you must know/research your market..." - "find a hungry crowd..." (no pun intended!)
The restaurant is now a HUGE success. The amazing thing is, Gordon maybe one of the worlds top chefs but he didn't do anything special to the food. He didn't give the chefs a master class in cooking...
He simply put his "Business" head on and asked his prospects what they wanted and then gave it to them. Plain & Simple.
I have to tell you, it was some of the most compelling TV I've seen in a long time. Hats off to Mr Ramsey!
Can you apply this to your business? Would you like or need a Gordon Ramsey type person to come in and sort your Internet Business out?
If you do then help is at hand at: www.InternetMarketingSuccessCoachingAcademy.com
Have A Great Halloween! James.
James McConnell is a Successful Full Time Internet Marketer & Published Author. Learn More About him at: http://www.JamesMcConnellOnline.com/blog
Listen To Him Speak For Free At: http://www.InternetMarketingSuccessCoachingAcademy.com
halloween costume