Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dog Costume - Hot Diggity Dog Halloween Costume (Hot Dog w/Ketchup) - Medium

HOT DIGGITY DOG: This Halloween, your dog will really be the HOT DOG you always knew he or she could be. This Medium Costume is topped with Ketchup.
Customer Review: Hot Dog Brandy
I was well pleased with this product. Shipping was lightning fast. It was correct size and was the hit of family get-together.
Customer Review: Didn't stay on very well...
This costume is interesting. It is pretty flimzy across the back. It just straps under the tummy. We couldn't get it to stay on our dog.

There are five things you must avoid on the day to ensure you arrive with the spirit of Christmas in your heart. You want to contribute to creating joyous and magical memories that you can all cherish. So here are the top five things to avoid:

1. Judgment - don't judge! It's absolutely imperative that you put your judgments and opinions to the side for this day. Better still leave them at the door!

2. Unforgiveness - forgive! If you are harboring ill feelings about someone, now is the time to let them go. Unforgiveness is like stabbing yourself in the arm and expecting the other person to feel it - they don't! You hold the pain - not them! Let it go by choosing to see the gift of learning being presented. What is the quality evident that you don't like? The gift here is for you to look at and improve this quality in yourself. Remember you cannot change the other person but you can change yourself and your attitude. Forgive and free yourself of this negative energy. Peace will be your gift to you and others on the day!

3. Talking about yourself - show interest in others! Did you know that the best way to get someone to like you is to get them talking about themselves. Yes it's true! They will relish in you showing interest in them. What a gift! So, rather than talking lots about yourself, keep it short and ask lots questions to show genuine interest in others on the day - they will connect with you on a much deeper level and joy will prevail!

4. Drinking without a limit! Too many drinks have ruined the good spirit of the day by people saying things they usually would not have. Don't put yourself in a position where you are not presenting at your best. Know your limit, be aware of what you are drinking and stick to a plan so you don't ruin the day for yourself or others. A good tip is to limit yourself to two drinks per hour, sip on them and drink lots of water in between.

5. Being too serious - lighten up and have some fun! Do you know that the shortest distance between two people is a good joke or laugh! Laughter is the best way to reduce stress, get people interacting, lighten the mood and connect with each other at a joyous level. Ensure you have a well rehearsed set of jokes to bring along on the day. Everyone will appreciate them. If you feel too shy then type them up and put them into a box and get the children to take turns and read one out at every half hour. There are lots of great Christmas jokes that will add fun and merry making to your day available on the internet.

Now you're guaranteed a great day!

And the author Bernadette Dimitrov invites you to visit her radio podcast show "Conversations with Mrs Claus" - An inspirational show with fascinating guests world-wide with prizes to be won! Also come visit and join her free inspirational Christmas newsletter with great recipes, insights & gift ideas & receive inspirational free gifts including her free 10 day e-course with audio "Amazing Ways to Enrich Your Christmas Experience!"

costumes for halloween