Monday, July 20, 2009

Adult Men's Gilligan Halloween Costume

We may all have different images when we think about Halloween (perhaps thinking scary, spooky, candy - my favorite yummy image, costumes, etc.); however those that enjoy Halloween can wrap up a description that consists of 3 letters: F.U.N! Remember the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"! Just like one dcor may make a person shriek in fear (eeeewwww looking pillow), another may feel that it is perfect for them (ahhhhh zzzzz pillow).

There is one Halloween "economical" dcor that is a true classic. Want to guess what is? I will give you a few seconds to guess.

Okay, time is up - it is synthetic spider webbings! The following is why they are a FANTASTICALLY FUN Halloween dcor and one of my favorite Halloween interior decorating economical secrets:

one small bag can decorate about 4 rooms since the material easily stretches
if you are not fond of spiders, keep the webbing and leave the plastic spiders out (this also keeps people in suusssspense not seeing where the spiders are)
most variety "dollar" stores actually carry them in October (yep, just for about $0.99!); you may even find these at your local pharmacy stores (CVS, Rite Aide, etc.)
you can place then in unexpected places (surprise you friends and family when they come over, and if you forget where you placed them, then you will end up surprising yourself)
it is reusable, so you can use your investment (approx. $0.99) next year!
So, get out of your pajamas and decorate with FUN this Halloween (have fun throughout the
month of October!). If you are worrying about the economy, stop and splurge $1.00 to have FUN with the spider webs!

Make sure that you keep the webs away from: the reach of children (they may just enjoy pulling the web waaaay too much, plus even mistake them for cotton candy), heated areas including light bulbs (to avoid fire hazard), and movable furniture/furnishings (to avoid having to detangle).

Some fun places to place spider webs are:

1. mirror corners
2. entryways
3. doors
4. ceiling
5. on artificial plants
6. candlesticks (perfect for spooky centerpieces)
7. computer screen (a small amount can give you a smile every time you see it)

So if you want a FUN, economical Halloween dcor that is simple yet SPOOKY, then spiderwebs are just what the Halloween witch doctor recommends. If you want to add more then spiderwebs to your decor or to simply look at some other cool decor, then check Pier 1 store that carry unique fun Halloween items.

Have a Happy Halloween!

2007 Ada's Interior Design, Inc. All Rights Reserved | Website:

Ada Gonzalez is an interior decorator who designs solutions that provide comfort & function with a BIG SPLASH of style without having to spend hi-end prices on furniture & furnishings. Her designs have been featured in the Life & Style section of The Journal News, Sound Shore Express newspaper, and the Lohub Blog of Westchester County. In April 2007 she won a design competition called "Interior Motives". She was honored as an Interior Decorating Subject Specialist March and April of 2007 for DETC (Distant Education Training Council) helping perfect learning materials for interior decorating students. Her ezine called Smart Decorating!, which offers FREE DECORATING TIPS, is her way of helping people across the United States learn to comfortably live in and love their homes - to get more information on her ezine go to


horror halloween